Influenze? Allergie primaverili o di altra natura? Contaminazioni ambientali? Le proprietà di nove Essenze Floreali estratte secondo il metodo originale del dr Bach, che aiutano a rinforzare la nostra aura e a proteggerci dalle influenze esterne, per te in un’unica soluzione chiamata Scudoflor™.
Che cos’è Scudoflor™?
Una sapiente e particolare miscela di Essenze Floreali inglesi, californiane e australiane, ricavate secondo il metodo originale del Dr. Edward Bach, il medico gallese che agli inizi del 1900 ha scoperto la Floriterapia. Oltre agli estratti floreali, la miscela contiene acqua e brandy. Quest’ ultimo funge da conservante.
Scudoflor™ non intende sostituirsi al parere medico o all’utilizzo di farmaci per la cura di qualsiasi forma virale, batterica e allergica.
Come agisce Scudoflor™
Quando siamo stanchi o stressati, il nostro campo energetico subisce delle lacerazioni, permettendo a virus, batteri e agenti esterni di penetrare nel nostro corpo e farci ammalare.
Scudoflor™ con le Essenze Floreali di cui è composto, stimola le nostre energie vitali ad avere la meglio su ciò che tenta di invaderci dall’ esterno.
La stanchezza, la vulnerabilità e la paura scompaiono e la nostra mente e il nostro fisico riacquistano BENESSERE.
Perchè scegliere Scudoflor™
1 - NON ha CONTROINDICAZIONI. le Essenze Floreali possono essere assunte senza pericolo di ripercussioni fisiche
2 - NON interagisce con altre terapie.
Le Essenze Floreali possono essere abbinate a qualsiasi farmaco o a qualsiasi cura omeopatica, senza interferire con la terapia, ma accelerando i processi di guarigione
le Essenze Floreali possono essere assunte da un minimo di 4 volte al giorno senza pericolo
4 - NON combatte il sintomo. Le Essenze Floreali non agiscono
sulle malattie fisiche, ma stimolano le nostre qualità innate
ad avere la meglio su emozioni negative come la paura, lo stress, la stanchezza.
Emozioni che sono la causa di molte malattie fisiche perchè indeboliscono le nostre energie vitali
Essenze Floreali contenute in Scudoflor™
FRINGED VIOLET: agisce riparando i danni e gli strappi del nostro campo energetico
ANGELSWORD: toglie ed elimina tutte le energie negative penetrate attraverso gli strappi del nostro campo energetico
MULLA MULLA: protegge dagli influssi energetici negativi dell’ambiente e sostiene nella paura
CRAB APPLE: è il rimedio per purificare la mente e il corpo. La purificazione avviene sia sul piano spirituale che fisico
MIMULUS: favorisce il confronto con l’ambiente esterno eliminando la paura
WALNUT: protegge dalle irradiazioni energetiche esterne e influenze indesiderate, procura una maggior compattezza e staticità complessiva
YARROW ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTION, composizione di 3 varietà di Achillea con Echinacea e Arnica, altamente strutturante e protettiva su tutti i corpi sottili contro ogni tipo di influenza energetica negativa; stimola e indirizza il sistema immunitario
GARLIC: potenzia il sistema immunitario. Agisce su diversi stati di paura
DESERT LILY: attenua la sensibilità ambientale contrastando
l’assorbimento delle energie negative
“Le interferenze succedono in ogni vita, fanno parte del piano divino, sono necessarie perchè possiamo imparare a resistervi; in effetti possiamo considerarle come utili avversarie, semplicemente lì per aiutarci a prendere forza, a percepire
la nostra divinità, e la nostra INVINCIBILITA’ ”
Edward Bach
Consigli per l'uso:
Epidemie e influenza: come sostegno alla prevenzione:
2 flaconi
Allergie primaverili:
1 flacone un mese prima dell'atteso inizio dei sintomi
1 flacone successivo a sostegno e consolidamento dei
risultati raggiunti
In presenza conclamata del disagio:
utilizzare ugualmente. Continuare per tutto il periodo della
durata dei sintomi e per due settimane dopo la loro
Influences? Spring allergies or other? Environmental contamination? The properties of nine extracted according to the Flower Essences of Dr. Bach's original method, which help to strengthen our aura and protect us from external influences, for you in one call Scudoflor ™.
What is Scudoflor ™?
A skillful blend of flower essences and particularly British, Australian and Californian, drawn in accordance with the original method of Dr. Edward Bach, a Welsh doctor in early 1900 discovered the Essences. In addition to floral extracts, the mixture contains water and brandy. 'S last acts as a preservative.
How does Scudoflor™?
When we are tired or stressed, our energy suffers lacerations, allowing viruses, bacteria and external agents to penetrate into our bodies and make us sick. Scudoflor ™ with Flower Essences of which it is composed, stimulates our energy vital to get the best that try to invade us from 'outside. Weariness, vulnerability and fear disappear and our mind and our body regain wellness.
Why choose Scudoflor™?
1 - has no contraindications. Flower Essences can be taken without risk of substantial physical
2 - does not interact with other therapies. Flower Essences can be combined with any drug or any homeopathic cure, without interfering with the therapy, but accelerating the healing process
3 - DO NOT OVERDOSE has . Flower Essences can be taken from a minimum of 4 times a day without endangering
4 - does not fight the symptoms. Flower Essences are not acting on physical illness, but stimulate our innate qualities to win on negative emotions like fear, stress and fatigue. Emotions are the cause of many physical illnesses because they undermine our vital energies
Flower Essences contained in Scudoflor™:
FRINGED VIOLET: acting repairing the damage and the tears of our energy ANGELSWORD: Remove and discard all the negative energy penetrated through the tears of our energy
MULLA MULLA: protects against negative influences energy and environmental claims
CRAB APPLE fear is the remedy to purify the mind and body. The purification is both a spiritual and physical
MIMULUS: facilitates the comparison with the external environment by eliminating the fear
WALNUT: protection against external radiation energy and unwanted influences, it provides a more compact and comprehensive static YARROW ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTION, composite of 3 varieties of Achillea with Echinacea and Arnica, structuring and highly protective of all the subtle bodies against any kind of negative influence of energy, stimulates the immune system and directs
GARLIC: strengthens the immune system. Acting on different states of fear DESERT LILY: reduces the environmental sensitivity by counteracting the absorption of negative energies
A skillful blend of flower essences and particularly British, Australian and Californian, drawn in accordance with the original method of Dr. Edward Bach, a Welsh doctor in early 1900 discovered the Essences. In addition to floral extracts, the mixture contains water and brandy. 'S last acts as a preservative.
How does Scudoflor™?
When we are tired or stressed, our energy suffers lacerations, allowing viruses, bacteria and external agents to penetrate into our bodies and make us sick. Scudoflor ™ with Flower Essences of which it is composed, stimulates our energy vital to get the best that try to invade us from 'outside. Weariness, vulnerability and fear disappear and our mind and our body regain wellness.
Why choose Scudoflor™?
1 - has no contraindications. Flower Essences can be taken without risk of substantial physical
2 - does not interact with other therapies. Flower Essences can be combined with any drug or any homeopathic cure, without interfering with the therapy, but accelerating the healing process
3 - DO NOT OVERDOSE has . Flower Essences can be taken from a minimum of 4 times a day without endangering
4 - does not fight the symptoms. Flower Essences are not acting on physical illness, but stimulate our innate qualities to win on negative emotions like fear, stress and fatigue. Emotions are the cause of many physical illnesses because they undermine our vital energies
Flower Essences contained in Scudoflor™:
FRINGED VIOLET: acting repairing the damage and the tears of our energy ANGELSWORD: Remove and discard all the negative energy penetrated through the tears of our energy
MULLA MULLA: protects against negative influences energy and environmental claims
CRAB APPLE fear is the remedy to purify the mind and body. The purification is both a spiritual and physical
MIMULUS: facilitates the comparison with the external environment by eliminating the fear
WALNUT: protection against external radiation energy and unwanted influences, it provides a more compact and comprehensive static YARROW ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTION, composite of 3 varieties of Achillea with Echinacea and Arnica, structuring and highly protective of all the subtle bodies against any kind of negative influence of energy, stimulates the immune system and directs
GARLIC: strengthens the immune system. Acting on different states of fear DESERT LILY: reduces the environmental sensitivity by counteracting the absorption of negative energies
"The interference happens in every life, are part of God's plan, are necessary because we can learn to resist, in fact we consider them as useful opponents, simply there to help us gain strength, to recognize our divinity and our invincibility"
Edward Bach
Recommendations for use:
Epidemics and influence, how to support prevention: 2 bottles
spring allergies: 1 bottle a month before the anticipated onset of symptoms following a bottle support and consolidate the results achieved
in the confirmation of discomfort: use equally.
Continue throughout the period of duration of symptoms for two weeks after their disappearance.
Now sold only in Italy.
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